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file system migrations

File System Migrations


Implementing or consolidating a PDM or PLM system can be overwhelming, especially if you have been using the File System to manage your CAD files. It can be challenging to know your options for migrating your legacy data – should you do a manual or automated migration? Big-bang or piecemeal? What about duplicates and data integrity? Can your legacy data be cleaned and configured to work with the new system? What don't you know? Is there a better way?


We have developed a Data Migration Program (DMP) designed to guide you through every step of this process. We have assembled a team to ensure your data migration will be a success. We have our suite of migration software designed to meet the unique needs of your file system migration. Throughout this entire experience, we focus on ensuring that your legacy data meets your quality and usability standards.



CAD File Extractors
CAD Healing Utilities
Data Transformation Engine
PDM / PLM System Loaders


Analyze and improve your data quality throughout the migration


  • Extract, view, and analyze your data throughout the migration.

  • Leverage our Rules Engine, Regular Expressions, and Excel to quickly perform complex data analytics


Prepare your CAD data for integration with PDM


  • Identify, Manage, and Repair missing references

  • Standardize your CAD metadata in your CAD files prior to import (create, delete, rename, combine)

  • Update your CAD Drawing Sheet templates to your latest standard

  • Repair broken title blocks / attribute mappings


Identify, Manage, and Resolve duplicates


  • Group duplicates into "duplicate sets" and sort by any attribute

  • Leverage mutliple duplicate resolution strategies

  • Identify "latest versions" and remap references during loading


Prepare filenames for version control


  • Logically remove revisions & descriptions from filenames

  • Analyze naming patterns

  • Standardize file naming conventions


Improve your metadata for better searchability and data re-use


  • Logically populate metadata from multiple sources

  • Identify, fill or correct data gaps ommissions and errors

  • Enrich your data using our ERP Data sync


Incorporate your legacy data into your new workflows


  • Logically populate your Revision from filename, CAD metadata, or ERP data sync

  • Logically determine your new lifecycle statuses by revision format, folder name, or ERP data sync


Automatically load and configure your CAD data so it is ready to use from day 1


  • Load and check-in your data

  • Configure your revisions and lifecycle states

  • Rename and locate your files

  • Add / update your metadata

  • Create and populate Virtual Documents (EPDM)

  • Create and populate WTParts (Windchill)

  • Add Attachments

  • Maintain referential data integrity

  • Post-process data after the load


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